My booth set ups over the years have evolved—sturdier tents, more crocheted items, diverse displays. It is humbling to see how my small business has grown and adapted with my new skills and new areas of interest.
June 4, 2016 vs. June 4, 2023
[Description of Photos: First photo shows an outdoor booth set up—a red canopy covers the metal tent frame with tables, displays and items visible. A purple bunting spelling out “Artsy Like Whoa”. There are purple peg boards that are holding up yarn-wrapped wreaths and a pom-pom wreath. A majority of the items are made from upcycled and recycled materials and transformed into home decor. Second photo shows an outdoor booth set up—a white canopy covers the metal tent frame. There is a smiling woman wearing sunglasses standing behind the tables. There is a black tablecloth with a screen printed logo that reads “Artsy Like Whoa”. The text is block-lettering with multicolored circles filling up the spaces within the letters. There is a wire shelf on the left side of the booth that holds crocheted water balloons. On the right side of the booth is a wooden shelf with gift card mosaic picture frames. Hanging on some of the frames and scattered throughout the table displays are crocheted toys, keychains, and faux succulent plants as well as bottle cap magnets.]